Monday, October 6, 2008


Which stage of life is better: Singleness, engagement, or marriage?*
I am not sure whether or not marriage is better than singleness (since I'm neither married nor single), but I do know that engagement is rough.
Engagement; to be committed out of singleness and into marriage, but to enjoy the benefits of neither.

You think all I'm talking about is sex


"Marriage is about way more than just sex,"
- Forrest Hett, married 07
To me the "benefits of marriage" encompass a wide variety of things...glorious, sweet things that are so wonderful I can't even imagine them.
As soon as some come to mind that trump the afore-mentioned benefit, I'll let you know.

*Answer: Whichever involves a Chocolate malt.

1 comment:

Parker Bohm said...

You make me laugh Tyler