Friday, December 7, 2007


Do you have many friends? If you need help discerning how many constitutes "many," I would suggest 4-5 very close friends and 15-20 acquaintances (people whose names you don't forget on a regular basis) would be "many" friends. There are good things about having many friends, things like counsel, advice, correction, rebuke, criticism, challenges, critical encouragements, correctional rebukes, good times, etc. Today, however, I want to give a shout out to the person without "many" friends.

You have it better than you think.

Your life, albeit boring, is also peaceful. You feel sorry for yourself because you have no one to hang out with, but think about it--you don't have to hang out with anyone. You feel lost and without direction, but think about it--you don't have to be guided and directed. The direction you are going is all your own. Yeah, yeah friends are great if you are trying to do life correctly, but if you are some free loading HALO 3 worshipper who spends 2o hours a day in your room* then I submit no criticism for you; mostly because I'm not your friend.

*The other four hours are reserved for HALO parties
which your mom will drive you to.

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