Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Of Golf and Men

Golf is the greatest games ever played, which would be a great movie title. If I wasn't such an amazing writer I'll bet I could get paid to come up with original movie ideas--or maybe inventions. I once invented electricity.

Ok, not exactly.

I once invented a specific use of electricity which involved a circular saw and a pulley system...many deaths

Writing about inventions always makes me think about golf, because I invented a movie about golf once. Golf, like me, is simply complex; and open to the general public, but there the similarities end.
The game of golf also reminds me of handling money--it's a simple concept that nearly everyone tries but at which only a select few are proficient. They are also similar in that playing golf costs money. So it could be said that money and golf are indirectly proportional. The stewardship and maintenance of the one leads to the depreciation of the other, and vice versa.

Wow, that's brilliant.

I don't even know what point I was trying to make, I just maxed out my brain coming up with that last thesis
I need to go watch a good movie to unwind, anyone know of any movies about the greatest game ever played?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Snake in the grass

Before you get any farther, I should warn you that the title of this entry is not literary; it is literal. It is time someone spoke up for snakes, and I think I am the only person who cares enough/has enough time to do it (besides maybe Ted Kriwiel).

I like snakes

Yes, they slither; but this fact alone does not qualify them as the world's most disgusting animal. In fact, as far as relativity is concerned, slithering could be said to be a much more positive mode of transportation than creeping.

Spiders creep.

I'm sure by now I have adequately convinced you that spiders are the most disgusting animals in the world. Unfortunately, you are wasting your time because spiders are not actually animals; but I digress...

There is a girl I know named Allison who is probably the human being most like a snake in the world, certainly in my large sphere of social awareness (which includes Leon). Although not in actual looks--in spite of her slender appearance--her personality and mannerisms are inherently snakelike.
Snakes for the most part mind their own business, unless they are crossed, then they turn into coiled balls of vociferous fury. Allison exhibits similar characteristics. In fact, she very much resembles a snake in the way she stalks her prey--innocent, unsuspecting men. She watches them on facebook and around her church, unbeknownst to them, just waiting on the perfect moment to strike. She hasn't struck yet, but when she does I'm sure it will be a lethal blow to the man's heart.

I'm just glad she doesn't remind me of a spider...